Lughnasadh is the first harvest point on the wheel of the year. Most people who are familiar with the sacred timing of Lughnasadh are aware of it occurring on the first day of August each year. More traditionally however, Lughnasadh occurs at the exact opposite point on the wheel of the year from Imbolc.
This is a very firey time of year, the hottest time of year for many places in our world, and therefore it is a fantastic time for your personal creation mechanics. In fact, the very root of the word, “Lugh”, means “Light”. This is a wonderful time for you to infuse your ideas and creations with Light and focus on the growth that you have been intending upon in your life, whether it be personal, family oriented, professional, global, or all of these areas.
Tune into your inner fire in order to enhance your creativity and ignite the spark within the seeds of any projects that you have been meaning to tackle.
This is a most beneficial time to allow yourself to receive guidance in whatever forms feel comfortable to you. Meditation, divination, and journey work are all excellent examples of tools that you can engage in order to receive guidance. Connect to the Leo energy, your inner wildcat, your lion or lioness self.
Leo is also significant in accessing your inner courage, and at a time of year where there is so much Light pouring forth, and especially if you are working with this Light intently, please remember that stronger burning Light will burn deeper into the that which remains hidden… the shadow aspects.
This pertains to those things that you may have placed upon the back burner or swept under the rug, or have simply been unaware of until now. Along with that which is buried deep, once it reaches the level of conscious awareness, emotion may be brought to the surface along with it.
Allow this emotion to come. Beauty lies within its release.
Allow this to assist you in connecting with the Earth Mother, and the waters with which she supports all of life.
One of the after effects of emotional release, should it occur for you, is a feeling of emptiness, or a void of some sort. This is entirely natural. Now would be the time to plant your new seeds of intention. What do you wish to plant and energize? What do you want to see grow within your own life, and blossom from this point forward?
Between now and August 7th, you may wish to intuit these seeds, plant them, water them and observe their growth. Harvest and transformation help to remind us of the wonders of our planet earth. They keep the magic within our hearts alive, seeing how something new and nourishing happens from something so small.
But this only happens once that one small thing is planted by us, watered by us, and nurtured by us. Attention needs to be given to these small things, and it is then that we can anticipate growth and change … transformation and alchemy. Here are some questions to assist in this process:
- What do I need to release right now?
- What am I looking most forward to for the rest of the year?
- What can I anticipate coming to fruition for my highest good?
- In what ways can I give gratitude for the gifts of growth and change I have received this year?
- How can I give thanks, in advance, for those things yet to come?
Giving thanks for, and truly acknowledging, that which you have already received will assist in the process of honoring the Earth Mother. So you can see how it only makes sense that giving thanks before your needs are met will only help to enhance that which you hope to receive.
Think of Gratitude as your fertilizer, the feed for your seeds. Once you truly feel this Gratitude take hold within you, move with it. Stretch it, dance it, reach with it, breathe it, sing it. Move it from within, to throughout and around you. This vibration of Gratitude will be that much stronger then.
It will anchor much more clearly into your energetic field, and then simply by nature of the business, it will assist you in bringing forth more of that which resides in your heart.
Now if you have a few extra moments, I invite you to enjoy this video of some Irish Lughnasadh dancers!
Lughnasadh Irish Dancers from Kelo Croce on Vimeo.
Very interesting! I’d never heard of Lughnasadh before now.
I had no idea what it was before this post, but I love the idea of using this as a time for you to infuse ideas and creations.
It is a brilliant time for deep creativity! I find that there are so many people right now with such an intense drive to create personal change and complete projects, etc 😉
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Good luck in finding the answers you seek during Lughnasadh.
Thank you, Ladies 🙂
I adore learning about, and working with, the traditional Celtic medicine wheel. Truthfully, it is not that much different than that of the north american medicine wheel teachings.
Interesting post, I’ve never heard of Lughnasadh before. Thank you for sharing.
“Growth” is definitely a personal theme for me this month. It’s been a big year of change, in a good way, although it’s also been very stressful.
Hi Beeb 🙂 It has been a very intense year so far, for many people. Everything is shifting, we can see it all around us … exciting, but also exhausting!
I have to share this blog with my cousin. Thank you! She would love this
Thank you so much! I would be happy to have this shared 🙂
thank you for sharing this is the first time i have heard of this.
Thank you! Glad you liked it 🙂
Interesting post. I learn something new every day! 🙂
I have never heard of this before but find it quite interesting.
I’ve learned something new! How neat. Thanks for sharing!
What a beautiful blog!
Great article :0)
I am following you on Google+ hope to see you in my neck of the woods :0)
Hi Heather! Love your blog, too. Following you back! 😉
Very interesting! Love the name of your blog by the way!
I really enjoyed your post and look forward to more! You have a great perspective…thank you for sharing! P.S. I’m a new Google+ follower!
Thank you so much, Jessica! I have you on Google+ too 🙂
never heard of this before o.O thanks for the write up though, it’s good to learn new things.
It is a new and interesting thing I have learnt through your post. Thanks for sharing. Have a good day 🙂
Interesting post! I never heard of Lughnasadh before- Thanks for the information… I love learning new things.
What a great story – never heard of this before.
I have very different spiritual beliefs, but the process of mediation, emotional release, giving thanks and growing spiritually are taught very similarly in my religion. This is great advice for anyone, even if they don’t think of it in the same exact manner.
At the end of the day, and at the core of it all, spirituality is just that, isn’t it? Our human connection with the divine 😉
I think I heard of this before but never really knew what it meant. Thanks for the post!
wow, everyday IS a school day… thanks for introducing me to Lughnasadh