We absolutely love making jewelry in our home. Beading goes hand in hand with our foundational handwork and Waldorf inspired learning. Not to mention, we always have plenty of gifts on hand for our friend’s birthdays and other special occasions. We have also taken part in local farmer’s markets to sell our creations, while reading cards for people.
So why is beading so popular? When it comes to accessories, few are as versatile as beaded jewelry. Beaded pieces can range from casual to formal, and many can be worn either way. There is something very healing about working with beads too – especially if you are working with gemstone and wood beads. For anyone who takes to sensory oriented projects, beading can be very calming and uplifting. It’s no wonder that crafters love to create beaded pieces.
There are lots of different techniques that can be used to make beaded jewelry. They range from simple enough for young children to make, to highly intricate and complex. But everyone needs to start somewhere, and if you are just getting started, you’ve come to the right place! Here are some of the techniques you can use, and the supplies you will need to get started.
Stringing Your Beads With Cord
Stringing beads is one of the simplest jewelry-making techniques, yet it can make lovely necklaces, bracelets and anklets. All you need to get started is:
- Beads
- Bead thread, beading elastic, or some other type of cord
- Beading needle
- Nail polish or glue (for sealing knots)
- Clasps
Stringing Your Beads On To Wire
Bead stringing may also be done on wire. The technique is similar to stringing with cord. Supplies needed include:
- Beads
- Beading wire
- Pliers
- Wire cutters
- Clasps
Beading With Wirework
Wirework involves carefully fashioning metal wire and adding beads to make jewelry. This makes beautiful rings and earrings, and can also be used to make pendants and charms. The supplies you’ll need are:
- Beads
- Wire
- Wire cutters
- Roundnose and flatnose pliers
The Beauty of Beadweaving
As the name suggests, beadweaving involves stitching beads together so that they form something similar to a fabric. This technique is most often used to create bracelets and choker necklaces, but it may also be used on earrings, brooches and more. Supplies may include:
- Beads of uniform size
- Synthetic thread
- Beading needle
- Thread snips
- Loom, either made specifically for beading or made for traditional weaving but adapted for beading
This is one of the best videos we have found to help you with getting started beading jewelry:
Should You Use Stretchy String Or Non-Stretchy String?
This was my biggest challenge in deciding what string to use, and what designs I would make. I personally prefer necklaces and bracelets that can just slip on. But many people don’t want their jewelry to be able to stretch. In any case, there are types of beading string that stretch and types that do not. In some cases, which type you use is a matter of preference, and in others, the quality of your finished product depends on it.
If you’re stringing beads, you could use either type. If you prefer not to use a clasp on your necklaces, bracelets and anklets, you could use a string that stretches to make them easy to put on. This is our preference, as my daughters and I all have a sensitivity to metal on the skin. But if you plan to use a clasp, you might want to use a string that does not stretch to make your work sturdier. You will find that a non-stretch string makes better knots than stretchy string does.
For embroidery and beadweaving, a non-stretch string is usually better. If you use a string that is overly stretchy, it could cause your work to pucker. But if you want your pieces to stretch a little, stretchy string might work in some cases as long as you avoid over-stretching it during construction.
Keep in mind that even simple techniques can create stunning pieces. More complex techniques will require some practice, but if you start off small you can work your way up in no time. So why not give creating your own jewelry a try?
Beading For a Cause:
For those who love to create beaded crafts, the finished product is sufficient reward for their efforts. If you find that you love beading so much that you end up with more pieces of jewelry than you know what to do with, why not find a cause to donate them to? Beaded items are great for fundraising, because they’re easily portable and sell very well.
What Kinds of Beaded Items Are Best?
Apart from the jewelry you already have on hand, simple beaded pins are great for fundraising. They can be created quickly with some beads and safety pins, or they can be made more elaborate. It’s easy to find or create patterns that are appropriate for a wide variety of causes. These pins usually sell for $1 to $5 each, so it’s best to keep them fairly simple so that you can create lots of them.
Some other beaded items that are good for fundraising include accessories such as purses and barrettes and home décor items. Just remember to keep things simple if you are embarking upon a mission of creating a large number of pieces for your cause.
What Charities Should I Give To?
Some charities actively seek crafters to create items for them to sell. To find these, keep an eye out in your local newspaper or search online. VolunteerMatch.com is one of the best websites for finding any type of volunteer opportunity, including calls for craft items.
If you have a specific charity in mind, contact your local chapter and ask if they would like to do a fundraiser with you. You can donate your work, but keep in mind large charities will often pay wholesale prices for craft items. This will help you recover your costs while still helping the charity.
Alternatively, you can sell the items on your own and donate the profits to the charity or organization of your choice. When doing this, however, it is important to consider the legal ramifications. You can’t claim to be affiliated with the charity when you’re really not, and if you say that all or a certain percentage of the profits will go to charity, then they must. My daughters and I love organizations and nonprofits that help girls and women. This compilation on Bustle is a great list of options. There are tons of informative beading books to help you on your way.
Whether you do all of the beading yourself or get a group together to create the items, it’s a good feeling knowing that you’re doing something that you love and helping a worthy cause at the same time. Please see my post on crafting ideas for teens. Getting your kids involved will build the foundation for a lifetime of creativity and charitable activities!
Thank you for this information! I am going to send it to my friend who makes beaded jewelry. I am sure she will love it!
Wonderful, Stacey! Thank you for passing it on ~*
This is neat. I have never hear of it before. I am not into beaded crafts though.